BudgetVetCare Offers Effective Flea and Tick Products Under $30
Seeing dogs happy and lively is the number one priority of every pet parent and one of the most essential parts of keeping your furry friend healthy is parasite control. Parasites such as fleas and ticks stick to the host’s skin and feed on their blood and cause various diseases. But with the right approach and products, you can safeguard your four-legged companions from these pests and keep them healthy.
With the wide array of products available in the market, finding the most effective and budget-friendly treatment is a difficult task. In this blog, we have come up with the most affordable flea and tick products under $ 30 which are both efficient and light on your pocket. Let’s dive in to learn more about this.
Affordable Flea & Tick Products for Dogs Under $30
- Frontline Plus: Frontline Plus is a highly effective, fast-action, easy-to-use spot-on treatment for puppies and dogs from 8 weeks of age, weighing at least 5 lbs. It kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks and chewing lice. Moreover, it prevents future infestations and aids in controlling sarcoptic mange infestations.
Buy Frontline Plus for Small Dogs at $21.63
- Bravecto 1-Month Chew: Bravecto 1-Month Chew kills adult fleas and treats as well as prevents flea infestations. It treats and controls tick infestations of Black-legged tick, American dog tick and Brown dog tick. It is recommended for puppies and dogs 8 weeks and older, weighing 4.4 lbs or greater. Moreover, it is also indicated for the treatment and control of Lone star tick infestations in puppies and dogs 6 months or older, weighing 4.4 lbs or greater.
Buy Bravecto 1-Month Chew for Small Dogs at $18.61
- Selehold: Selehold is an affordable, highly effective and simple-to-use spot-on treatment for puppies and dogs from 6 weeks of age. Selehold efficiently treats and prevents flea infestations, treats roundworms, ear mites and biting lice. Moreover, it is also helpful in treating sarcoptic mange infestations and preventing heartworm disease.
Buy Selehold for Small Dogs at $23.41
- Capstar: Capstar is a rapid-action, easy-to-dose, oral flea treatment for puppies and dogs from 4 weeks of age, weighing 2 lbs or more. It kills adult fleas within 30 minutes of administration and lasts 24-48 hours. Capstar effectively kills fleas that cause flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) and treats flea re-infestations as well.
Buy Capstar for Small Dogs at $21.10
- Ultrum Flea & Tick Spot-on: Ultrum Line Up Flea & Tick is an easy-to-use spot-on solution for dogs 6 weeks and older. A single application helps dogs stay free from fleas and ticks for 3 weeks. Additionally, it helps kill flea larvae and preventing flea eggs from hatching.
Buy Ultrum Flea & Tick Spot-on for Small Dogs at $12.63
In conclusion, it can be said that there are various products available in the market for flea and tick protection that are both effective and affordable. Consider the products we have listed in this blog and keep your little one safe. Ensure you only administer the dosage that best suits your dog’s age and weight. You can shop all these products from BudgetVetCare at reasonable prices.
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