Winter Tips For Cats Battling With Arthritis
The cold season brings havoc in the life of a cat, especially the ones who are battling with arthritis. Pain in these times gets aggravated adding more burden to the joints of your feline.
What can be a more painful situation for a cat than not being able to walk few steps? Indeed, it is a saddening scenario both for a cat and for her guardian.
However, with winters on our head, a blueprint to lessen the pain of our feline friends becomes a necessity. This plan should be such, which caters to need of an arthritis patient.
Therefore, take a cue from below mentioned ideas to ensure a peaceful and painless winter for your cat.
Cat Arthritis
Arthritis is a case of joint pain and is a common phenomenon in humans as well as animals. Felines, in comparison to dogs are less vulnerable to arthritis. However, they do face the brunt of this painful disease.
A cat with arthritis will show following behavioral patterns-
• Overall stiffness in the body
• Decreased activity
• Unable to climb stairs
• Not being able to jump
• Ill-mannered litter box habits
Various factors lead to the development of arthritis in felines. However, it is a common phenomenon among senior cats. A feline, well passed over his age faces degeneration of cartilages, which plays an important role in development of this disease.
However, injuries, dislocation, fractures can be a deciding factor for developing arthritis even in younger felines. In addition to it, the more the weight of a cat, the more chances of her falling into the trap of this, painful disease.
Winter Wisdom For Senior Cat
A wholesome approach on part of you is required to shield your cat from chilling sensation. This includes taking care of her clothing, bedding, diet, grooming, joint supplements and involving vet care. Let us address these points one by one to get a clearer picture.
A feline battling with joint disorders must feel warm, especially in these turbulent times of cold. For ensuring this, shield your cat with warm clothing. Make her wear booties and stay indoors as much as possible.
The resting place of your cat must be warm and comfortable. Ideally, the bedding of your senior cat, should be placed next to your room, to ensure any quick support needed by her in the middle of the night.
Consult your vet to get the most appropriate diet plan for your feline struggling with arthritis. However, an ideal diet contains balanced amount of nutrients and vitamins. Do check the calorie chart before introducing any food to your cat. Foods, high in calories are not advisable for obese and senior cats.
Your senior cat would find herself relieved after getting a gentle massage from you. Light massaging would enable her to feel the stiffed body parts of her and would make her more relaxed and comfortable.
Health Supplements
Health supplement in the form of Joint Guard Powder is must for meeting the nutritional requirements of any cat experiencing aging and stiffness in her body. It is vital for lessening the pain, which a feline experiences out of joint inflammation. Add this supplement to your cat’s food to ensure health aging of hers.
Role Of A Vet
A senior feline is required to be under regular supervision of a vet. This is important for the fact that regular monitoring of your feline by a vet would enable him to introduce any new changes to your cat’s diet and supplements, depending on her existing state.
It, is not a gospel truth that winter comes as a heavy burden on senior cats. However, with proper mechanism in place, the pain she would have gone through in this cold season, would reduce to a great extent.