BudgetVetCare Blog

Why My Dog is not Listening to me?

Isn’t it frustrating when you yell a command and your dog doesn’t even bother to listen? It is not only frustrating, but it can also be dangerous for your dog in some situations, such as when he runs into a busy road when off the leash or tries to bite a stranger.

Dogs are lovable and innocent creatures, but they must be trained to obey your commands in order to avoid any unpleasant situations. If your dog is not listening to you, then it doesn’t mean that they are a stubborn dog or that he is ignoring you, it just needs to be trained to follow your command.

Here are some strategies you can try to get your to dog listen to you:

Visual commands are necessary

If you want your dog to listen to you, you have to stop relying on verbal commands. Dogs rely heavily on body language while communicating, so possibly they won’t get you if you are giving verbal commands only. Giving visual commands like hand motion or gestures followed by verbal commands will certainly help your dog to decipher what you are trying to convey.

Consistency is the key

The most important step while training a dog is to be consistent in your training. You have to keep training your dog until he learns the command. It is also important to keep practicing the command once your dog learns it. Moreover, ensure that all your family members follow the same commands to communicate with your dog or else he might get confused.

Eliminate distractions

Training a dog to obey your commands is quite a task, but it can be even more infuriating when your dog has all the pent-up energy. So, if your dog is excited and hyperactive, chances are that he will easily get distracted and will not listen to you while training. Therefore, make sure that you have exercised your dog to exhaustion to expel all that extra energy before you start practicing the commands.

Set the mood right

Your dog will never learn your cues if they are distracted, scared, anxious or sad. Be sure to read the room right before you start practicing. First, teach them commands in a controlled and peaceful setting and once they have mastered it, only then will they be able to follow your commands in a disordered scene.

Give your dog a reason to listen

Why would your dog listen to your command when getting into a fight with another dog or jumping on a stranger is much more enjoyable? To get your dog to obey your cues, you have to make yourself more interesting than whatever your dog is doing. You can make yourself more interesting by giving him his favorite treats or toys. If he knows that there’s a good reward for listening to you, he may start listening to you obediently.

If your dog listens to you, it will be better and safer for both you and your dog. It will help you avoid situations that can put both of you in danger. Therefore, speak your dog’s language and train him to overcome the communication barrier between you two. Happy training!

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