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Detailed Symptoms and Troubles of a Depressed Cat


When a human mind is stressed, sad or depressed, staying quiet is what it does. But, when a cat is stressed or sad, she doesn’t even know how to communicate her feelings. Yes, felines are ferocious, but they also have a heart, which can be saddened due to various reasons. However, have you thought of the signs or symptoms they reflect when they are in off-mood?

Various Symptoms that indicate the Depression of a Cat

1.    Reduced Appetite: Food answers several queries rising in the heart of a feline parent. A healthy and fit cat consumes a good appetite like always as it is of the best-loved things by them. However, if your feline has become sad or depressed due to a cause troubling them, they won’t be as excited to eat their meal as they used to be. They eat less quantity and become weak.

2.    Aggression: Depressed and stressed out cats are more prone to become aggressive and irritated by even the sweetest attempt of you to be playful. They generally like to be left alone when undergoing such emotional changes or trauma.  If in case you do not give her own space and time, she will hiss, howl, or even bite.

3.    Increased sleep timings: It is one of the simplest way to know whether your cat is sad or not. If she sleeps for far more hours than her normal routine then she is in trouble.

4.    Over or under grooming: Grooming is one task that cats are adamant to carry out. Felines are self-groomers and love to stay clean and healthy. However, a slight change in the grooming practice of cats indicates that they are troubles or depressed. They might even stop grooming themselves at all leading to an oily coat with knots in hair and a very poor fur condition. They might also over groom themselves resulting in irritated skin or wounded skin.

5.    Lack in socialization: A sad cat will want to hide and not meet or greet any new member be it a pet or a human. Felines will hide in remote areas like boxes or closets and won’t be interested in socializing at all.

6.    Vocalization levels: Cats meows and purrs. But, every time they vocalize, it doesn’t mean they are joyous and enjoying themselves. It depends on the situation. If your feline friend have been behaving a bit different recently, or is having behavioral issues then the purrs and meows may mean they are unhappy.

7.    Behavioral issues: Other behavioral issue that the sad kitty may depict is lack of using litter tray. Accidents happen, but if the cat is urinating daily outside the litter box, since a couple of days then it is not an accident; it’s a behavioral trouble. Take her to a vet immediately or give her a suitable treatment like Feliway Spray.

Such issues and troubles when noticed, tells you exactly whether the pretty kitty is sad or not. The key to a feline’s happiness is simple; give them your attention, time, play with them, don’t  be away from them for a long span of time and if possible brush  them regularly to maintain their fitness.

Find out more regarding : How to Keep a Cat Joyful and Hygienic When Indoors?

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