BudgetVetCare Blog

5 Healthiest Feline Breeds


When you go through any write-ups or articles, the most common point you stumble upon is in regard with breeds. Many health troubles depend on the breed of the pets. This is because some breeds are more vulnerable to specific infections. In cats, there are various healthy and fit breeds while some are prone to getting diseased and infectious.

Let’s take look on a list of the best companion and healthy cats.

1.    Russian Blue

Russian blue is a beautiful breed for the feline lovers to adopt. It is a bright and playful natured cat. Russian Blue Cat has an amazing coat with proper health. A natural breed, which is fun, loving, fit and lives a long life due to great health. Russian Blue cat is a must adopt for those who are looking forward for a beauty with health.

2.    Bombay

An affectionate and calm breed kitty, which serves as a great companion for humans. It is quite active and lives a good long life. Bombay is the beauty that the feline lovers would love to adopt and pet at their homes. She is friendly and adjusts well enough between other pets easily. Attention loving and playing natured, Bombay is totally recommended cat breed.

3.    Ragamuffin

Yet another affectionate breed of kitty, Ragamuffins make great companions for the family, as they are convenient to handle. The sweetest and wonderful pet’s one can have with the least concern regarding health troubles. Just make them eat healthy and nutritious diet and exercise them enough to remain fit.

4.    Havana Brown

This breed originates from a mixture of breeds and is quite healthy and strong. Havana Brown cats love to play with toys, are super friendly and easily adapt themselves in different surroundings with human companions. Their health is not a topic of concern and their life span generally is expected of 12-15 years. These are great kitties and people love to pet them.

5.    British Shorthair

Popular feline breed, British Shorthair is one of the most loved breed. This breed’s cats have been taken as a cast in various famous movies. They are quite common and easy-going cats, which is why they serve as an excellent family companions. They easily adjust around kids, large audience and even few members. Healthy and fit, British Shorthair are liked by almost all the humans.

Reading about all these cat breeds, a great sense of knowledge is built in the sense to adopt which breed of cat. And to prefer what breed. It is not like that if you adopt a vulnerable breed it’ll just remain ill, you have to take good care with various preventatives administered to her at all times. There are numerous pet stores online as well as in local market where you can get a huge range of pet supplies to protect your kitty from infections.
For any pet of any breed to stay healthy, the focus should be on diet and exercise. Moreover, if they both are managed then regular vet visit will automatically be saved.

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